Autumn's news

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Jane with an update on our latest news and activity.

Autumn always seems to be busy for us at Result. This year has been no exception. Hormoz stepped back as a day-to-day Director of Result and luckily for us, has continued to do training and coaching delivery work and offer support in this transition period. Saif Ali was appointed a Co-Director in August, and has started taking on leadership of projects including the new edition of Ideas into Action, our partnership project with TERN (The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network) supporting people from refugee backgrounds to develop their own social enterprises. The new cohort started work together on 19 November. Jane introduced Result and our coaching by people with lived experience of being marginalised, and for 3 of the 4 coaches, of being a refugee in the UK.

Hormoz and Saif co-delivered a set of Action Learning Sets (ALSs) for Myriad which is focused on developing a creative health workforce of people from the global majority in Manchester. The ALSs focused on leaders of organisations who work with global majority groups to examine their challenges and create supportive networks. These small-group sessions offered the participants the chance to address important issues, often for the first time. The feedback was that this was transformative, and a blog will follow in December.

An unprecedentedly large group of Civil Servants has opted to join the next cohort of DELTA (Disability Empowers Leadership Talent) which starts formally in January 2025. When the programme started in 2020 there were 26 participants; this year there are 89. Result ran an online launch event and four focus groups in October and November. These helped us learn about the participants and discover their priorities. Result’s work is never ‘off the peg’; we work with the DELTA participants each year to shape the programme to their needs as it progresses. The first of four workshops has been designed to incorporate the feedback from the focus groups. We are looking forward to getting started in the new year!

Result has a warm and longstanding relationship with Liverpool John Moores University. We have run several programmes for disabled staff and for managers of disabled staff. Our associate, Ronie Walters, also co-produced a Workplace Reasonable Adjustments Passport with the University. Jane will be returning to Liverpool this month and in early December to run 2 workshops entitled ‘Confident conversations about disability’. These will look at what holds us back from talking about disability and the many positive outcomes which more confident conversations can produce.

Jane and Hormoz have greatly enjoyed returning to the University of Manchester to run a pilot Disability Leadership programme. An innovation has been an offer to line managers of the disabled staff participants – half a day’s workshop then a final joint event with staff and managers which will take place on International Day for People with Disabilities 3rd December, appropriately enough! The programme has been run using hybrid delivery with most participants there in person and a few working online. This has been a learning experience including the occasional interesting challenge! The group – with very diverse roles at the University - has been highly motivated, open and resourceful – a joy to work with.

Result loves working locally so we are delighted to have recently agreed to partner with Salford Disability Forum and Access 2 All Areas to help them develop a 3-year strategy, boost their communications and make the most of their deep and wide network. Michele Scattergood, who brings a wealth of charity leadership and development experience, will be the primary associate for this work.

On 22 November Result’s brilliant Advisory Panel had its first meeting since the new year. It was great to be together again. We had the opportunity to welcome Saif to the team, review 2024’s major developments and look forward to how we want to shape our work in future. We have some exciting ideas including potential training programme ‘Coaching for Inclusion’ so watch this space.

If any of the work we are doing has piqued your interest, please get in touch and tell us what you need. We look forward to our chat!

We are what we do and we love what we do.


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