Bye bye birdie

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Recent changes in policy within some social media platforms have made us question our presence there.
Result CIC's values stem from compassion and empathy. We are friendly, supportive, celebratory, warm and approachable.
As such, we have decided, like many other people and organisations, to leave platforms that no longer reflect us. Consequently, we will be leaving Twitter/X and Facebook at the end of February.
Please keep in touch by any of the following means:



Or sign up to our monthly newsletter in the footer below.

Thank you. 

Latest News

EmpowerHer Life - an Ideas Into Action CIC

Egeba Ine Duke is the founder of EmpowerHer Life, a social enterprise dedicated to raising awareness and providing education on female reproductive health.

Seeing the world through a fabulous gay lens

It's LGBT History Month. Our associate Yatin Mistry writes about how the way we see ourselves influences our reality.

Arts access: what is the way forward?

The final blog of three in a series in which Jane Cordell explores disability and access to the arts.

Bye bye birdie

What to do when social media becomes anti-social?

Creative Health in Greater Manchester

A recent conference laid out plans to make Greater Manchester the first city region in the world to place culture, creativity and heritage at the heart of its public health strategy. We were there. 

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