Hearing Dogs for the Deaf dog walk


Result CIC's favourite dog, Dusty, will be doing her bit for charity on The Great British Dog Walk this weekend.

With Hormoz and Jane at her side, she'll be raising money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People by walking up to 10km with hundreds of other dogs and their owners. The charity hosts this event annually with a number of beautiful parks, gardens and stately homes providing the route.

Dusty will be joining her canine chums at Lyme Park in Cheshire.

The lives of many deaf people have been transformed through their relationships with their dogs, but funds are needed to ensure that the scheme continues to grow.

Dusty, who lives with Hormoz and his partner, is an English Bull Terrier, a breed of dog which itself is very prone to becoming deaf in later life. At just 3 years old, she's already had a knee replacement due to an accident causing arthritis, so the walk is also a personal challenge as well as one for a worthwhile cause.

No doubt Dusty will be relaxing in her favourite chair once she's completed her marathon...

Read more about Deafness.


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