Our new 'Awards For All' grant

3 people standing in a group workshop in front of a whiteboard

Photo: DaDaFest workshop with young artists and creatives.

We are delighted to report that Result CIC has been successful in securing another 'Awards for All' grant from The National Lottery Community Fund. (TNLCF)

Our proposal was based on transition support to 7 small community-led marginalised arts groups we have identified which can develop confidence and thrive beyond the Covid-19 crisis.

One of the exciting aspects of this project is the range and mix of the organisations and individuals who are joining it. Our participants range from Audiovisability (deafness and creativity), Amang Mardokhy Art (refugee painter), DaDaFest (Deaf and disability arts), Dibby Theatre (LGBTQ+ theatre), Jonny Cotsen (deaf performance artist), Leighlou Harper (Equality in theatre), Venture Arts, (visual arts by people with learning disability). This makes a truly intersectional group of people coming together, exploring their challenges and solutions to them, strengthening themselves and creating strong networks. They will then be in a much better position to take their organisations and work further.

The programme has 2 half day workshops, the first being on the 12th of August. This is followed with an arts specialist’s workshop: ‘communicating your impactful message’ and 4 individual coaching sessions including 1 with the specialist to complete the programme.

The completion is by the end of November and the outcomes that this innovative programme aims for are:

  • boost individuals’ capacity to appreciate and use their creativity and skills confidently – to achieve their potential
  • foster collaboration and mutual support between the 7 identified community arts organisations/individuals
  • encourage a bold, optimistic approach to their future work and make best use of their networks.

We will be reporting on the progress of the participants and later the outcomes in future blogs. Stay tuned!


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