Taking a look at ourselves

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The Result associate team is growing. 

We have been delighted to welcome some highly experienced coaches and facilitators. You can read the profiles of all of our associates here.

Our team undoubtedly brings great experience of being marginalised. But how does our profile measure up against statistics for the UK population? Could we justify our claim that ‘we are what we do?’, In the Spring, Result’s Marketing and communications associate, Rob Martin, set out to explore this. He ran a survey with the team and the results were interesting.

The standout statistic is that 89% of us have experience of being marginalised because of who we are.

The next most striking figure is that 78% have a disability or live with a long-term health condition. And 44% are neurodiverse.

Perhaps because we have sought associates with diverse lived experience, our age range is older- from 40-60 odd. Bringing in younger associates is something we need to look at. 56% of our associates are male and 44% female – another factor to consider. Below is a summary of our numbers compared to the 2021 UK population census ones. See what you think.

Characteristic Average in UK population Result associates 
LGBTQ+  Estimated 3.3% over the age of 16. 56%
Disability or long-term health condition  24% 78% 
Race: member of the global majority  18.3% 24% 
Born outside the UK  14.4% 17%
Mental health challenges  Estimated 25% 44%
Neurodiverse  Estimated 15% 44%

Based on this admittedly raw data, Result associates offer rich and diverse experience which is above average proportions to the UK population on all characteristics.

But we know that creating an effective, agile team goes way beyond ‘labels’. Associates’ skills, presence, personal style and specialist expertise are all vital to providing a dynamic, responsive training and coaching service. We are pleased, for example, that 5 of our associates are D/deaf or hard of hearing and that we now have Richard Jones, a BSL user coach on board. But we need to do more work to explore the range and diversity of specialisms this brilliant team can offer. We will report back on that later this year.

We are what we do and we love what we do.



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