Time for a catch up

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Hormoz reports on the latest news from Result.

I can’t believe that it’s 6 months since I wrote one of these news items!

They say ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ which is mostly true. Why ‘mostly’ you wonder ... I previously wrote about my hip replacement operation which was a big deal personally and, in some ways, a tough time and yet I’m glad to report that it has given me a new lease of life.

The other very positive development for us is the new brand and website that we are so pleased with. Do let us know what you think.

So, half a year ago this is what I wrote about our activities.

An update:

  • Our first-ever development programme for disabled staff at BT Group is about to come to an end. We are in the process of delivering the final coaching session. It has been powerful for several who are thankful for BT Group’s focus on disabled staff.
  • We mentioned Liverpool John Moores University and we are pleased to report that we will continue our partnership in 2024 with a workshop with a Neurodiversitytheme and further 1:1 and group coaching,
  • Our programme of workshops and 1:1 coaching with the Step Change Consortium for leaders of organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers came to an end this month. What a brilliant group!

One participant said:
‘Over the last few months, I've been on a leadership course with Result CIC and it has been transformational... It's been a powerful process of understanding the barriers and challenges I face... I'm excited about seeing the impact changes will have on my confidence and the way I do my work in this challenging sector.'

Image: Ideas Into Action workshop, Manchester, 16 November 2023

Now, news about projects we have started in the new delivery period since September:

  • Our flagship leadership development programme for disabled civil servants, DELTA (Disability Empowers Leadership and Talent) was launched in September and we held 4 focus groups in October and November which gets us ready for delivery in January 2024. This is the fourth time we will be delivering this programme, and the size of the cohort has grown from 23 to 76 people. We can’t wait to start with the new participants!
  • We also really look forward to the third delivery of ‘Ideas into Action’ for social entrepreneurs from refugee backgrounds, in partnership with TERN (The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network) and Social Enterprise UK. The programme started with an online launch event for 25 new social entrepreneurs with great ideas which we will help them develop over the next 8 months. Having also delivered the first workshops in London and Manchester, we know that we are going to enjoy working with the group immensely.
  • We are about to start 1:1 and group coaching as a pilot on the Foundations for Change project which is a co-production between BreakthroughUK, TheGreater Manchester’s Coalition of Disabled People, Disabled People’s Panel and the Integrated Care Partnership.

    This important project was developed to gain an understanding of not only the number of disabled people employed but also career progression or seniority, retention of disabled staff, support available, and consistency in approach to reasonable adjustments. Also an understanding of any barriers, as well as the impact these barriers and gaps are having on the workforce. We shall report back to you on this project in the New Year.

Finally, if you read this blog before the end of November you have the chance to support our Crowdfunder for a deafblind community leader who we have worked with. He needs an access-friendly computer to be able to do his new job as Chair of Salford Disability Forum. Please help if you can.

Apart from these activities, we have a few irons in the fire as usual, which we will report on, if and when they materialize. Keep your fingers crossed, as we love what we do, and the new proposals are for just the type of work we love!

Contact us here if there is any aspect of coaching or training we can help you with. 



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