August tends to be a slow month when people take holidays if they can. This is true for us at Result, but this year, before everyone headed off for much-needed breaks, we convened a big event.
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It’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. It’s also the month that our Marketing Associate Rob Martin was made aware that he has it. But why the need to share?
As Result CIC’s award-winning DELTA programme (Disability Empowers Leadership Talent) for the Civil Service gets into its stride for a fifth year - with the largest cohort to date - what better time for us all, finally, to get together?
It's LGBT History Month. Our associate Yatin Mistry writes about how the way we see ourselves influences our reality.
The final blog of three in a series in which Jane Cordell explores disability and access to the arts.
What to do when social media becomes anti-social?