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    August tends to be a slow month when people take holidays if they can. This is true for us at Result, but this year, before everyone headed off for much-needed breaks, we convened a big event.

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When listening to your body can be life-saving

It’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. It’s also the month that our Marketing Associate Rob Martin was made aware that he has it. But why the need to share? 

DELTA: altogether now – at last!

As Result CIC’s award-winning DELTA programme (Disability Empowers Leadership Talent) for the Civil Service gets into its stride for a fifth year - with the largest cohort to date - what better time for us all, finally, to get together? 

Seeing the world through a fabulous gay lens

It's LGBT History Month. Our associate Yatin Mistry writes about how the way we see ourselves influences our reality.

Arts access: what is the way forward?

The final blog of three in a series in which Jane Cordell explores disability and access to the arts.

Bye bye birdie

What to do when social media becomes anti-social?

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