42nd Street

About 42nd Street

42nd Street is an innovative Greater Manchester young people ’ s mental health charity with 40 years ’ experience of providing free and confidential services to young people who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Our work with 42nd Street

In 2022 we designed a 2.5-hour training session to enhance support for front-line staff in the area of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). The training was delivered by our facilitators who have lived experience of being marginalised, including being disabled (deafness and mental health) and having experienced racism, being LGBT+, and experiencing major mental health challenges. 67 staff in total attended the training, split between 4 sessions. A wide variety of topics were covered including how to improve the recruitment process, increase understanding of HR, and enhance communication, organisational structure and accessibility. An action plan was put together to address the problems of the barriers around EDI and how to create an open culture of sharing and being honest. It was felt that there was a need for a dedicated, clearly identified EDI lead and more gender non-conforming and neurodivergent staff in the organisation.

‘Really really enjoyed the session, found it really thought-provoking and refreshing/invigorating. The trainers were great and held the space with such compassion and skill. Loved it!’

Find out more about 42nd Street.


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