Boaz Trust

About Boaz Trust

Boaz Trust is a Manchester-based charity supporting people who have become homeless after claiming asylum. Their aim is to address the needs of the growing numbers of people facing destitution whose asylum cases have been refused and who have nowhere to turn for help.

Our work with Boaz Trust

Between 2021 and 2022 we provided 1:1 coaching for staff members at Boaz focused on personal development.

Members of Boaz Trust participated in a programme we delivered in conjunction with the Centre for Knowledge Equity for Emerging Leaders working with refugees. Another programme we devised was for the Step Change consortium, designed for leaders of organisations working with refugees.

‘I have much more confidence in allowing the team to get on with what they are good at. Before, I felt like I needed to be there in every meeting and during the coaching realised that I was micro-managing and hence not allowing individuals to flourish.’

Find out more about Boaz Trust.


Company Reg Number: 8096008

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