Breakthrough UK

About Breakthrough UK
Breakthrough UK is a Manchester-based disabled people’s organisation. They are led by disabled people and they support other disabled people to work and live independently. Their mission is to break down barriers, change attitudes and create an inclusive society through their work with organisations and employers across Greater Manchester, and nation wide. In 2023, Breakthrough UK joined a partnership with Greater Mancehster Coalition of Disabled people.


Our work with Breakthrough UK

In 2012-13 we designed and delivered a pilot course for disabled community leaders in the North West. This provided support in self-awareness, confidence and communication. This innovative new programme for 12 representatives from five regional authorities combined group learning with individual coaching.

The tailored six-day course programme consisted of three days of group learning and three days of individual coaching.

Participants said this was a high-impact course which should definitely be offered to others in future.

‘This course has changed my life. It has been deep and non-judgemental. I have already used the assertiveness and negotiation skills.’

‘The group is inspirational. It puts my difficulties into perspective.’

In 2018 we trained Breakthrough UK’s Board members in the role of trustee and how the social model of disability works.

In 2023, we won a tender Breakthrough UK ran to provide coaching to six Manchester disabled people’s organisations’ leaders. Each leader had eight individual coaching sessions over 18 months and three group Action Learning Sets.

Find out more about Breakthrough UK.


Company Reg Number: 8096008

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