Disability Unit (Department of Work and Pensions)

About the Disability Unit

The Government’s Disability Unit at the Department for Work and Pensions (known up to 2013 The Office for Disability Issues or ODI), develops policies to remove inequality between disabled and non-disabled people.   Their main focus is on reducing the barriers faced by disabled people, both in government and across wider business and society.

Our work with the Disability Unit

In 2013 we won a tender to provide a programme for disabled people who had been made redundant when Remploy’s specialist local factories were closed. The programme consisted of three workshops: Self confidence and communication, Interviewing skills and Developing networks.

We encouraged the participants to understand how important their own networks and contacts were for getting informal information about work opportunities. We did this via individual coaching sessions and also through our group workshops. At the final workshop, we also encouraged those present to see themselves as a ‘micro-network’ of ex-Remploy employees and to value and reference this for the future.

As well as the three workshops, we provided 40+ individual formal coaching sessions for attendees plus additional informal meetings. There was a final networking session at the end of the year.

You can read a Case Study here of one participant who obtained a new salaried job as a result of the programme.

‘Coaching made me look at things in a different light and consider different situations, for example, practising my signing skills by going to a local deaf centre.’


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