RECLAIM is a youth leadership and social change organisation who supports and amplifies the voices of working-class young people. They aim to create a society in which being from a working-class background no longer presents barriers to achievement, success, or influence.

Our work with RECLAIM
In 2015-2016 we provided workshops with coaching for two separate cohorts of young people on RECLAIM’s Activism and Leadership programme.

The first introductory workshop, focused on identity and confidence and was designed for 10 young people (selected via self-referral plus input from RECLAIM managers) aged 12-15 who received six individual coaching sessions over 5 months. There was a follow-up workshop for the group which covered topics such as how others see you, assertive communication and using networks.

‘I was pushed to ask why – to find reasons for my actions. So things were more complete in my mind. It gave me structure. I would say to young people that coaching will help you get your priorities straight and set up.’

The second cohort of young people aged 12 and 13 years also attended an introductory workshop, followed by coaching. This workshop had a similar focus to the earlier group. A total of 8 young people were selected, and we provided 6 individual coaching sessions over 4 months. The follow-up workshop covered topics such as your journey and development, using networks and self-coaching to support your own development.

RECLAIM Manager:
‘The YP’s feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. They’ve developed as a direct result of the coaching and have credited Hormoz and Jane… has given them clear goals, understanding of networks, further introspection and critical thinking.’

Young people:
‘It’s helped to be clearer about my aspirations and my future’

Find out more about RECLAIM.


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